Cyclists Discover 5 Puppies Bu.ri.ed In A Hole And Carry Them To Safety In Their Shirts!

Those guys are real heroes…!

The cubs were fortunate to su.rvive due to the cyclists’ kindness!
There are always people in this world who try their hardest to help someone who is in need, but there are also extremely cr.uel people, such as the people who threw 5 puppies into the hole below.

Tyago Costa Silva, a Brazilian professional cyclist, discovered five puppies bu.ri.ed in a pit and de.sper.ately called for help. They didn’t fall by accident; instead, someone dug a hole and a.ban.doned them to di.e. The puppies are frail and unable to flee. The cyclists were astounded by the puppies’ plight and couldn’t believe someone could be so cr.uel.

The cyclists were shocked to see such a he.artbre.aking scene and decided to give up the race.

They knew they had to do something to assist these five helpless puppies. They drew the puppies out and gave them food and water. Fortunately, athletes always carry water with them, so they can quench the thirst of thirsty puppies. Tyago then carried them 12 miles by putting them on his shirt and returning home.

Tyago assisted in finding loving homes for the puppies, who are now stable.

Sometimes it’s just love, with no response or thank you.

Although the world is not perfect, there is always kindness!