Elephant’s Joy knows no Boսnds as He gets Prosthetic Leg and a Second chance at Life!

So glad for this beautiful elephant  that a wonderful prosthetist cared enough to make a new leg.

Thank god that we have people that love and respect all animals. So very pleased this elephant got a second chance. Thank you to everyone involved, your heart and soul are pure love. 
This is fantastic. Congratulations to all the folk who instigated and made this all happen.

Prosthetic limbs aren’t just for people. They can be for elephants, too.
Mosha the elephant, a permanent resident of the [hospital] run by the Friends of the Asian Elephant foundation in Thailand, is the first elephant ever to receive an effective, has now made use of more than 10 false limbs – and she’s still going strong.

The elephant was just seven months old when a [la.ndmine] near the Thai-Myanmar border, left over from [cl.ash.es] years ago between the “Myanmar” army and ethnic minority [re.bels], [cla.imed] her right foreleg.

As she continued to grow, her [mi.ss.ing] leg put tremendous pressure on her remaining three limbs and her spine. Luckily, the FAE was able to give Mosha a prosthetic leg, and the organization is continuously designing and creating new molds to accommodate the growing elephant.

How wonderful it is that prosthetics can help an elephant as well as they help people!!

At the time of her [in.ju.ry], Mosha weighed about 1,300 pounds. Now, she weighs over 4,400 pounds.
When Mosha waits for a new prosthetic leg, she is able to do things like lean against rails in order to relieve some of the pressure. Designing and constructing her new prosthetic is a very complex process.

So pleased that it worked for the poor elephant. 

Because of the extent of Mosha’s [in.jur.ies] and the care she needs, she is a permanent resident of the FAE, unlike other elephants that come and go after treatment.

Fellow FAE hospital resident, Motola, also has a prosthetic leg. She was right behind Mosha as the second elephant to receive one. Unfortunately, Matola is not quite as comfortable in her new leg as Mosha is due to her growth patterns.

Congratulations to those who gave the elephant a prosthetic leg! How happy he is now! 

Thank you for giving this elephant a wonderful chance to have a great life.
Thanks to everyone who help this beautiful animal have a great life! Wonderful caring people who helped this beautiful elephant 
The elephant looks so happy in its face…it is so nice to see such a beautiful animal happy!!!

God bless kindness in humans that assist and provide care to animals!! his joy is so heartwarming!!!