Longest Shelter Resident Falls Asleep Smiling When He Finally Finds A Family!

“That is the smile of a dog who knows he’s home.”

So great that he has finally got a forever home.  He finally feels safe 

Despite the challenges he has encountered, Petey the rescue dog has always been a cheerful boy. The adorable puppy was already the longest resident at his county shelter in North Carolina at just one-year-old.
The shelter contacted the SPCA of Wake County to ask if they might aid in giving Petey more time to find his family.

Petey was immediately accepted by the SPCA. Despite the dire circumstances, Petey didn’t seem at bit depressed. Rather, he was overjoyed to meet his new pals.

The dog’s outgoing nature initially astounded SPCA officials, especially when they thought about how frequently he had been missed at his prior shelter.

As soon as he arrived, Petey’s SPCA pals immediately submitted a photo of him to their website, but they were concerned that he would be disregarded once more.
“But it only took about a few weeks for someone to fall in love with him.”

Ranlet claims that when Petey’s forever family saw the adorable dog’s picture, they knew right once that he belonged with them. After a month of staying at the SPCA, Petey was picked up by his new family, putting an end to his protracted stay in the shelter.

Petey quickly adapted to his new surroundings as he enjoyed spending time with his beloved human siblings and puppy brother. He already enjoys giving his family countless hugs and kisses and playing fetch in his backyard.

This is what pure happiness, contentment looks like!  He knows that he is safe, and loved!  HE IS HOME!  Enjoy your new best life sweet baby boy, I love you! 

So happy Petey found his forever home, he had been at the shelter a long time, now he is loved and has his own bed! 

Thank all who made it possible… may they have many blessed days 
