Final Farewell: Herd of Elephants gather to pay Last Respects to their Leader!

Please don’t scroll without giving him some love and prayers!

This scene looks like it belongs in a touching blo.ckbuster film; it’s very formal!
Elephants have so much emotion…wishing this leader a swift and gentle peaceful passage

A herd of elephants gathered near the Kalawewa reserve in Sri Lanka to pay their last respects to their [] leader! They attempted to cuddle their esteemed leader, who had been [] by a rival, in this final moment. What a [tr.agic] for this elephant herd!

Almost 300 elephants gathered to bid farewell to this great leader!
According to a 2006 Oxford University study, elephants, unlike humans, mourn the [de.ath] of family or friends! They also try to help those who are [] or [] in the hope that they will recover!

To say that animals are like humans is a misnomer because nonhuman animals can express emotions without shame or regret. They live in the present moment and fully experience their emotions!

Humans, on the other hand, hide, pretend to feel, or simply ignore their emotions.
These animals are so emotional! We must do more to keep these intelligent animals from becoming [e.xti.nct]!!!

Some animals are very deep feeling creatures! So much feeling for their own!
It’s [sa.d] to think of what has been done to them in many cases!
We need to do more to protect these intelligent animals…!

Elephants are such beautiful precious amazing animals.
God bless those beautiful animals R.I.P leader