Budweiser Clydesdale and Puppy reunite in Heartwarming Commercial!

They all have so much meaning.♥️♥️ What a wonderful commercial!

These kind of commercials are the very best they can produce!! The Clysesdales and the puppies!
In fact the Budweiser Clydesdale would have been far better half time entertainment! They are the absolute best!!!

Budweiser’s 2014 Super Bowl commercial titled “Puppy Love” showed the forming of a friendship and bond between a Labrador Retriever pup and Clydesdale who became inseparable. The puppy would always sneak over to the neighbor’s to see his horse pal, but the pup was then adopted away and forced to leave him behind.


The Clydesdales ended up getting together and chasing the dog down to reunite in the end. But then social distancing put a barrier between them once again.
Wherever you are and whoever you’re with, remember to drink—and reunite—responsibly.

Love the horse  and puppy tender movement….

They are magnificent and gentle. Budweiser commercials with all the animals and wonderful emotion are always the best! 

These friends are on course to see each other again soon, and they can’t wait…! 
The best ever from the frogs to the puppy and everything in between!!!