Woman Br.eaks The Law To Save Her Dog From Animal Shelter!

She took matters into her own hands…!


Most families in the world have their four-leg members to bring up happiness and protection to the house, or they can be trained to do farm work such as protecting sheep. However, we have to remember that the ancestor of the dog is the wolf. That is the reason why they always tend to be [dan.ger.ous]. Especially, a Pit Bull is one of the most [fe.roc.ious] dogs in the world.

The Pit Bull of Toya Stewart is an instance: According to the report, the dog had some issues with strangers but she always loved her family and close relationship. Hazel was the dog’s name and after some problems, the city decided that the dog should be [eut.hanized] without any training opportunity from Stewart. She could not accept the judgment of the authority so she decided to deal with this by herself.

The reason is after hundreds of difficulties in Stewart’s life, Hazel was used to her motivation and helped her overcome all the problems, including homelessness and [to.xic] relationship. There was no doubt that Stewart tried to make sure that Hazel’s life was comfortable. Unfortunately, one day she [bit] a mailman and because of many problems with strangers before, Hazel was considered a [dan.ger] to Oklahoma City. They decided to [eut.hanize] her although a training course could be better.

Stewart denied that the dog [bi.t] the mailman on purpose and tried her best to save Hazel. She used a drone to look up Hazel at the animal shelter and free her. Stewart did not mean to break the law but she loved her dog so much that she could not let her go easily. Despite all the efforts, the police found her location and brought Hazel back to the shelter once again. Stewart was [br.ou.ght to j.a.il] for her [i.lle.gal] activities.

After all, the authority still [eut.hanized] Hazel to protect the citizen. Stewart was he.artbr.oken when she had known that she could not receive Hazel’s body after the judgment. Hazel’s [de.ath] is a [s.ho.c.k] of her life and maybe she will never forget it as a [ter.rib.le] nightmare. Undoubtedly, people who have a kind heart in this similar situation will behave like that.

You are a God sent angel!!