A Police Officer Adopts An A.ban.doned In.ju.red Puppy After Saving Her Life!

The best thing you could’ve ever done… Give him all your love and care

Another very special officer with a caring spirit there are many of them and everyone of them are so Appreciared!
The policewoman is not only beautiful but also very kind, congratulations to her and her lovely dog!

On July 16, a puppy was in.ju.red and heartlessly [a.ban.doned] on the street by its fo.rmer owner. A few bystanders felt sorry for the dog and summoned the Augusta Police Department to assist him.

Soon after, policewoman Sara Rogers arrived and checked on the dog’s condition; while officials looked for its owner, she took the dog to a nearby vet to make sure. She was fine until Kennebec Humane Society representatives arrived.

Rogers fell in love with this adorable little pup during their time together; the look in her eyes made her heart melt!
Rogers realized she needed to do more to help this sweet dog, so she decided to foster her until she was ready for adoption.

Who can escape this sweet trap? Puppies are created to be loved!
The woman believes she and the dog share a special and inseparable bond. She chose to adopt the adorable puppy and named her Rey after a Star Wars Jedi.

Rey is a regular at the Augusta police station and is well-liked by the officers there. Who would have guessed that an a.ban.doned dog could be so happy?
The August Police Department shared a photo of the adorable couple on social media, along with the touching story, and many people fell in love with this puppy.

Thank you to everyone who helped save the dog and find her a home. You guys truly are angels!
What a hero! 

God bless you, the dog , the and all that wear “”The Blue”.
H/T: News Center Maine

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