Loyal Dog Refuses to leave the Coffin of his [De.cea.sed] Dad all the way to the Cemetery…!

Dogs are our best friends they love us unconditionally. 

Dogs are so loyal, so incredible if we were this loyal to each other what a great world we have!
Beautiful pure hearts they are always loyal always ready to please you just want to be part of your family 
We hope he gets taken care of by a family member and loved…

Lessie is a hairy from Mexico, who was always characterized by an undeniable love for her owner.
A few months ago, Lessie was [dev.Astated] to [lo.Se] her human dad forever. That man with whom she had shared the last years of her life. Confused and with her heart [b.rO.ken], the mestizo did not want to detach from her owner’s body for a moment during the funeral ceremony.

It seems that Lessie rejected the fact that her human had to be put in that little box, so unc.omfortable. She was not sure what was happening, so she preferred to accompany him at all times and continue to protect him until the end…!

With her lan.guid little face and without making much movement, the hairy one got on the hearse that carried the [bOdy] to the cemetery. Lessie fearlessly [accompanied] her father at all times and this surprised more than one.

The dog with a bell around her neck, demonstrated exemplary behavior and honored the memory of her owner with her presence.

This man’s own family members were captivated by Lessie’s loyalty. 

Thank you for including the dog in his owners passing. Very important to do this as the dog will be looking for their owner not knowing they have [pa.ssed aw.ay].

They need closure too…! R.I.P 

Lessie’s life must continue and his image will be etched in the memory of many as the most beautiful show of fidelity.

God bless this dog.  They are man’s best friend and they never forget their owners