Shiba Inu who survived house becomes ther.apy Dog for bu.rn vi.ctims

What a strong boy 

An amazing dog , he still is beautiful. Glad you su.rvived the!
You will help a lot of people as a ther.apy dog!

A Shiba Inu named Taka got [ bu.r.ned] when his previous family’s house caught The family actually managed to get out of the house in time, but they could not go back for Taka. The porch he was tr.apped in colla.psed. He made it out of the bu.rning house and ran into the neighbor’s yard.

The neighbors called Crystal Lesley, a [vet.erinarian] technician at “Care More Animal Hos.pital”. They rushed Taka to the [animal hos.pital]. Doctors from the Joseph M. Still B.urn Center volunteered their time to help him [] properly.

It [to.ok] a long time for Taka to [], but he received an incredible amount of [sup.port] to ensure his recovery and well-being. The incident left him with deep [sc.ars] that the fur did not grow back on some parts of his face and back.

Crystal kept visiting him. And then, she adopted him as soon as he had fully recovered because his previous family could not care for him anymore. Despite going through a [harro.wing ex.perience], Taka remained cheerful and determined to enjoy his new life.

You are absolutely positively beautiful!!!! 

Lesley realized that Taka could inspire other people, so she si.gned him up at the [Canine Training Project] to train under Mandy Foster as a ther.apy dog for [bu.rn vi.ctims].
He earned his AKC Canine Good Citizen Certification and passed his [Th.erapy Dog] Certification [ev.aluation] with flying colors. Thus, he began his mission to visit and help people in hospitals and nursing homes.

What a courageous and beautiful boy. 

He was named Dog of the Year and became the official ambassador of the Joseph M. Still “Bu.rn Center”. Lesley was so proud of Taka. He continued to inspire and make everyone around him happy.
He’s beautiful, amazing and incredibly courageous. May he know nothing but happiness the rest of your life.

It is so wonderful that you nave someone to love you forever, scars and all. 

What a beautiful dog with such a big heart. Your owner is a very blessed person. We hope you live a long and wonderful life. God bless you and keep you in his hands. 


Good luck in your career as a ther.apy dog! 

Your a brave dog with a wonderful soul! Bless his rescuers.
May you forever have a loving, happy, safe life. 
