In actuality, the human body is a remarkable machine. We have the natural ability to heal ourselves, which is something that our bodies can do, as Noah is well aware.
Noah, a young child born in the United Kingdom, had only two percent of his brain fully developed at birth. His brain was just about two percent of what a child of his age would normally have. To put it another way, he had a very strange brain.

Before he was born, it was advised that his parents consider ending the pregnancy at least five times. In an interview with Good Morning Britain, his parents said they thought that many parents would have definitely terminated the pregnancy.
Noah’s parents decided they wanted to give him a chance at life even though the prognosis appeared to be rather bleak. It is evident that they made a decision that was highly advantageous given that Noah has recovered remarkably.

The fact that his brain expanded to over 80% of its original size in just three years is just astounding. In addition to the fact that his brain has recovered in terms of size, his parents have stated that he is an exceptionally bright child. His intellect is much better now.
Professionals in the medical field say they have no idea why his brain was so little at birth. One of their theories is that the current state of affairs may have been caused by the compression of his brain while he was still in the womb.

Even while it is amazing that Noah is in excellent health and will probably lead a totally normal life, the medical community is already benefiting greatly from this breakthrough.
It is now possible to examine Noah’s brain regeneration as a case study, and the inferences that may be made from his story may have an impact on future decisions made by other parents. In contrast to telling parents that there is little chance of recovery, doctors may use this example to offer different guidance to parents in similar situations.