There’s a terrible rise in deaths related to drinking alcohol, and it’s time to know whether you’re at risk.
There’s so much risk, in fact, that the Alcohol Health Alliance (AHA) wrote to the government calling for them to act swiftly to tackle it.
It wrote that deaths ‘solely by alcohol have increased by a catastrophic 42 percent since 2019’ and that ‘such a devastating rise in death rate has never been seen before’.
According to the AHA, 8,274 people in England died due to alcohol in 2023, but admitted that the true figure is likely to be three times higher.
Professor Sir Ian Gilmore, Chair of the AHA, said: “These new statistics are a stark reminder of the devastating impact alcohol takes on our society, not just in lives lost but in the shattered families and communities left behind.

Do you have a problem with alcohol? (Getty Stock Images)
“Each of the 8,274 deaths in 2023 represents a life cut tragically short – a loved one whose absence leaves a void that can never be filled.
“Alcohol-related harm does not occur in isolation. It ripples through families, often leaving children to bear the brunt of grief and trauma.
“The devastating rise in alcohol deaths should serve as an alarm for the new government to act with urgency.”
With Christmas around the corner, it might make you feel like indulging for a while is okay, but if you find that you’re ticking off any of these boxes, it’s time to reconsider what you’re doing.
Are your loved ones worried?
It’s normal that your nearest and dearest might be the first people to notice that something isn’t right.
If you see that they are monitoring your alcohol consumption or look uneasy, it might be a sign.
Are your family talking to you about your alcohol consumption?
If you find that those who are closest to you are bringing up your drinking habits, there might be an issue, according to addiction specialists at the Priory Group.

There are many signs of ‘problem drinking’ (Getty Stock Images)
You’re self-medicating with alcohol
While you might not realise that’s what you’re doing, if you drink anytime you feel down, this is what could be happening.
As alcohol is also a depressant, it can actually majorly backfire and make you feel even worse.
You’ve been hiding your drinking
If you have been slinking off to have a sneaky drink without anyone knowing about it, it could be a sign.
The Priory Group suggests that this could be an indicator that you’re aware that you have been drinking too much.

One sign of drinking too much is not being able to maintain relationships (Getty Stock Images)
You can’t maintain your work and home life anymore
Is it affecting your life?
If your relationships, friendships or even your work life is going down the drain because of your drinking, this could be a key sign of alcohol problems.
No matter how you try, you can’t stop
Trying to cut down might be hard if you have developed an addiction, and no matter what you do, you go back to the bottle.

Are you a problem drinker? (Getty Stock Images)
Drinking on your own
While socially drinking with your friends is the usual way to go about it, drinking on your own could be an indicator that you’re no longer able to wait for social situation to down alcohol.
All you want to do is drink booze
Do you find any excuse to keep drinking or even suggest social activities which are based on boozing?
If so, it’s important to seek help as soon as possible as this is a key sign of an alcohol issue.
Please drink responsibly. If you want to discuss any issues relating to alcohol in confidence, contact Drinkline on 0300 123 1110, 9am–8pm weekdays and 11am–4pm weekends for advice and support.