Owner left with $20,000 vet bill refuses to let dog die, raises money to save her life!

I wouldn’t care if my dog had put me in debt the rest of my life. I’m doing what ever needs done without question.

When it comes to saving a pet’s life, pet owners often spare no expense, even if it means facing steep vet bills. Recently, a man found himself confronted with a massive $20,000 veterinary bill to save his beloved dog. However, a miraculous turn of events occurred. Rambo, a 2-year-old Weimaraner owned by Jaxon Feeley in Wigan, England, fell seriously ill last month, a nightmare for any dog owner. She experienced over 30 bouts of vomiting during the night, leading to an emergency visit to the vet on a Saturday morning. Rambo had developed both hypovolemic shock and gastroenteritis. Although her condition stabilized after spending several days in intensive care, the mounting medical expenses quickly became overwhelming.

“Rambo’s insurance coverage extends to £6500. The cost of her intensive care is approximately £1000 per day. We don’t know how long Rambo will need to stay at the vet’s,” wrote Feeley. “After one week of care, the bill has reached £11,500. If the worst happens and Rambo requires major surgery and aftercare, I need to be able to cover those costs.” Despite the astronomical amount, Feeley stated that he would sell his home to ensure his beloved pet receives the necessary care. “This wonderful girl was never going to be left behind. She’s just a baby who wants to live and be happy with her big brother Rocky and the Feeley family,” the owner wrote. Thankfully, the kindness of strangers spared him from having to take such drastic measures. Feeley created a GoFundMe account, sharing Rambo’s story, and received numerous donations. The fundraiser surpassed its original goal, raising over £25,000 at the time of writing.

In a February 4 update, Feeley expressed that Rambo’s condition continued to improve, and she would eventually be able to return home. The past three days have been a miracle for Rambo; her oxygen levels have been improving by the hour, she has started eating and drinking, her lung function is gradually getting better, and her wonderful personality is starting to shine through. She even recognized where to find me in the waiting room when I visited her for 10 minutes every 4 hours.

Thanks to the generous donations from strangers, Feeley and Rambo are now reunited at home, with the means to provide for any medical needs Rambo may have. Feeley wrote, “I cannot express how grateful I am for everyone’s love, support, and contributions over the past two weeks. It truly means the world to me.”

This heartwarming story showcases the extraordinary lengths to which people will go to save their beloved pets, serving as an inspiration to all.

I will never understand why vets charge so much. Never used to be this bad. Isn’t it more important to be able to save the animals life??