Puppу with de.formed Fасe rej.eсted bу People hаs one Wish!

VERY HAPPY for him getting a loving forever home! 

All God’s creation are worth loving. What a sweet pup 
Best Wishes for this sweet fur baby to go to a forever loving home!!!

Arrow, a small dog, had a difficult and he.artbre.aking start in life, as evident from his pictures.
Anyone who saw him in his depressed state as a puppy would have thought he was destined for certain [de.at.h].

Arrow suffered a [tr.aum.atic agg.ression] from another dog, which left him in a [pi.tiful] condition when he arrived at the doorstep of animal rescue organization PMM Rescue Inc. as a baby.

His jaw was [te.rri.bly br.ok.en], likely from the [se.vere bi.te] he received from the other dog. And his lower right jaw was beyond repair as it was [nec.rot.ic] and [se.ve.rely in.fec.ted]. The only option left was to [re.mo.ve the de.ad] bone, which involved [cu.tti.ng] off part of the upper right side as well.

You’re beautiful! 

Dr. Sidhu of Bakersfield, California, performed Arrow’s delicate and lengthy surgery, refusing to leave until he had saved the puppy’s life and provided dedicated care.

Hope he lives a long and happy life.

Five months after the surgery, the puppy with a different face was the happiest he could imagine. Not only did he recover beautifully, but he also found true love with his new family.

He is a beautiful boy. He deserves all the love, snuggles, treats and affection in the world.

He is beautiful regardless how he looks  

Thank you to the wonderful family that adopted him  he is so loved!
Sure he is a blessing. 
Prayers and much love for this precious baby!

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