They take a i.ll Dog to the Sea before She, She was Happy until her last!

You did a wonderful thing for her taking her into the water. 

What a lovely thing to do making her last days knowing how much she was loved… She was lucky to have you… And knew you worshiped her with all your heart
Showing them how much you love them has to be a comfort. And to have pet parents with them face to face till the last breath. She will be happy over the rainbow bridge.

A foundation called Laika from the city of Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico, soon rescued Noah and gave her the best months of her life, surrounded by love, before she crossed the rainbow to the sky of the dogs, where she now resides.

Noah was a rescued dog in very [b.a.d] conditions, it was a rainy day, she could barely walk because her nails were very long, and she had [] all over her body.
This dog was saved from being kept in a small cage on a wet day. With her nails looking like claws, the dog begged and pleaded for aid.

The group brought her to the veterinarian right away in an effort to help her health, but despite the fact that she had started taking medication, the studies revealed advanced [ar.thr.itis], renal [], and heart [], so there was no solution for her.

She allowed herself to be pampered and loved by the volunteers who, inspired by her courage, lavished her with hugs and attention. She felt loved, and there was plenty of food and water in her saucer.
Before Noah [ aw.ay], they take him to the beach…!

That was a lovely thing you did for this gorgeous dog

The dog watched the sunset, felt her body cool off in the sea, and was with those who had shown her that there are people in the world with great hearts who care about small animals.

Noah had to cross the rainbow; they knew he was in [], so they bade her farewell.
We gone through this many times over the years….

The volunteers would have loved to see this small dog flourish, perhaps live with a family and enjoy a more normal existence.
The rescuers saw her draw her final [br.eath] before departing for the place where [su.ffe.ring] is nonexistent while hugging her and thanking her for teaching them about courage.

Thank you for giving this sweet puppy all the love he deserved & the comfort to help him cross that bridge. It is so precious to know you were there to the end…

Rest in peace sweetheart

God bless sweet heart your He.artbre.aking may it be we do everything and anything for them, just wonderful what you have done for your baby, prayers for you both and l am sure you will meet again he will be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge so you can cross together